Rider Profiles

Mark Thorton

Mark Thorton

One More Wave team rider receives customized waveski painted by the original artist from the famous Apocalypse Now (1979) movie. Video edited and produced by Aidan Demolli

Mark Thorton

One More Wave team rider receives customized waveski painted by the original artist from the famous Apocalypse Now (1979) movie. Video edited and produced by Aidan Demolli

Chris Small

Chris Small

One More Wave team rider #1 receives his second customized surfboard. Video edited and produced by Aidan Demolli

Chris Small

One More Wave team rider #1 receives his second customized surfboard. Video edited and produced by Aidan Demolli

Arturo Ayala

Arturo Ayala

His first marriage failed, he had a hard break up with a girlfriend, and his past sexual trauma, all accumulated into an out of control spiral of depression, alcoholism, and...

Arturo Ayala

His first marriage failed, he had a hard break up with a girlfriend, and his past sexual trauma, all accumulated into an out of control spiral of depression, alcoholism, and...

Derrick Ross

Derrick Ross

Surf Therapy  After a long recovery process including 19 total surgeries, Derrick opted to have his left leg amputated below the knee in 2013 after years of fighting infection and...

Derrick Ross

Surf Therapy  After a long recovery process including 19 total surgeries, Derrick opted to have his left leg amputated below the knee in 2013 after years of fighting infection and...

Kelly Talavera

Kelly Talavera

Surf Therapy Kelly’s first time surfing was just last year in May 2018 at the Balboa clinic and the first time she caught a wave she said there was no...

Kelly Talavera

Surf Therapy Kelly’s first time surfing was just last year in May 2018 at the Balboa clinic and the first time she caught a wave she said there was no...

Mike Rozier

Mike Rozier

One More Wave team riders Mike Rozier and Kelly Talavera receive their customized surfboards in a double board delivery!

Mike Rozier

One More Wave team riders Mike Rozier and Kelly Talavera receive their customized surfboards in a double board delivery!